Monday, November 3, 2008

Getting Closer ...

Well, I'm officially a "blogger." The past few weeks, I have been thinking about starting a blog since Brad and I are expecting our first child very soon. Then, just last week, three of my friends sent emails giving me addresses to their family blog. So, here I am. I am hoping that this will be a way that those interested can keep up with us and see recent pictures, etc. I think my sister in Philly (but just for the next 8-9 months) and my dad, who can't get enough of all his girls, will be especially glad I am doing this.

If you are reading this, I am sure you know that our first child ... Isabella Lynn Runyon ... is due two weeks from today! I experienced false labor contractions for three days last week ... which kept Brad and I both on our toes and thinking that at any minute it would be "that time." However, NO DICE!!! So, here we are, still waiting ...

Well, this was just my "practice blog." I plan to try to update often and wanted to go ahead and get started. As soon as our little one arrives, I'll figure out how to post pictures to this thing. All our love ...


  1. Congrats Em and Brad (on the blog)! I can't wait to see the goings on here. Shout out to Moss Family! Hope to see ya'll during the holidays.

  2. I KNOW I need to update over at One Big Bite...maybe you can get me in gear! So happy to see that you have joined the blogosphere. I can't wait to meet Isabella!

  3. Emily, you might know one of the Benjamin Boys would be your first Blog responder! This note is my 3rd trial to post a comment and I'm stuck at "Select a profile" Hope your update works. Love, Dad

  4. I'm so glad that you started a blog!!!! I can wait to see pics of baby Runyon!!

  5. Congrats Em! Conrats Brad! Welcome Isabella! can't wait to meet you. Hooray!!
