Thursday, March 5, 2009

4 months!

Isabella is 4 months old today! I can't believe it! She had a check up yesterday and we got a pretty good report. She is 24 & 1/4 inches long (around 50th to 75th percentile for her age and sex) and weighs 12lbs, 11oz (around 25th to 50th percentile). We have to do more tummy time (which she still hates) because her neck needs a little more strength and she doesn't even ATTEMPT to roll over. When we put her on her tummy, she either screams bloody murder OR she lays her little cheek on the floor and decides she is just fine, thank you very much. She does not try too hard to lift her head and look around or to roll over. But, the doc says that every baby is different and just to keep putting her on her tummy to encourage her. We DID however get clearance to start her on cereal! So ... we had our first try last night. (See pics) It must have suited her, because she slept from 8pm until almost 6am. She has been sleeping from about 7 or 8pm until 3 or 4 in the morning for some time now and going back to sleep until 6 or 7 am after a feeding .... however, to go from 8pm to 6am was G-R-E-A-T! Mommy feels a little bit like a human today. I hope this new little pattern will continue! That is the latest news on sweet pea. We go out to Philly in a couple weeks to visit Aunt Alli ... that will be her first plane ride! We'll be sure to report back on how that goes! (Prayers that she is a good little traveler would be greatly appreciated ... ha.) Much love to all!


  1. She's so cute! I heard you two were in town and didn't even let us know...Theresa told on you. We can't wait for her and Mason to meet!!!

  2. What a big girl eating cereal with a spoon! How fun!
