Friday, May 1, 2009

Eight Things ...

Eight Things:

I've never been tagged to do this ... however, I figure that is because I normally don't use this blog to talk about much other than Isabella. I just had some spare time to kill ... so ... here goes:

Eight things I am looking forward to:
1. Time off of work this summer
2. Spending more time with Isabella
3. Working out at a time other than 5:00 AM
4. Wearing flip flops & having perfectly pedicured feet
5. Laying out and getting a tan
6. Attempting to learn golf so I can play with Brad
7. Going to Philly whenever my sis goes into labor
8. Holding my nephew, little dbl j

Eight things I did yesterday:
1. Got Isabella's things together for daycare
2. Read and Edited something for my hubby on my lunch break
3. Bought some cute knee shorts
4. Thought about re-painting my toenails but decided to wait until I can get a pedicure this weekend
5. Took some heat for something that went down at work that was against my advice
6. Sang Isabella several songs as she drifted to sleep
7. Watched Greys and Private Practice off DVR after I got Isabella down
8. Went to bed wishing my hubby was not still at work

Eight things I wish I could do:
1. Take Brad and Isabella on a really long vacation ... somewhere with hot sun, white sand, blue water, and cold drinks!!!
2. Live in the same town as more of our immediate family
3. Give lots of money to all the organizations I work with and lots of others as well
4. Lose the last few pounds of baby weight (But, this WILL happen ... I'm on a mission by golly)
5. Spend more time with Isabella and still make $
6. Snap my fingers or wiggle my nose and have chores finished
7. Had the time to train for a marathon again
8. Remember every day to appreciate all the great things that I do have

Eight shows I watch on TV:
(well, i hardly watch anything as it is happening, but here are shows I DVR to watch when i can)
1. Desperate Housewives
2. Brothers & Sisters
3. 24
4. The Hills
5. American Idol
6. The Bachelor
7. Greys Anatomy
8. Private Practice

Eight people I tag:

1. Amber @
2. Katie @
3. Alison @
4. Erin @
5. Robynn @
6. Stacy @
7. Marlie @
8. Shannon @

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